Revista Española de Innovación, Calidad e Ingeniería del Software is no longer publihsed since 2013 due to inability of continue publishing it. We keep this information as documentation of the life of the journal.
Revista Española de Innovación, Calidad e Ingeniería del Software (in Spanish, Spanish Journal on Software Engineering, Quality and Innovation) is aimed at disseminating original and practical contributions in the field of software engineering and quality (as well as in the domain of innovation for software development and maintenance), generated in Spain and in the whole international community which uses Spanish as working language.
We want to encourage those who are interested in these topics to access contents as well as to contribute with knowledge and experiencies. We suggest careful reading of instructions for authors.
From the first issue published in 2012, we accept articles in English. See articles already published in our section of Issues with articles in English
Details and full archive at the Spanish website.
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REICIS is also indexed by Redalyc because it fulfills the acceptance criteria for this digital libraryl, supported by Universidad Autónoma de Mexico, with a network of hundreds of scientific journals of Latin America, Caribbean area, Spain and Portugal. Find us at the category of computation.
REICIS has been included in the directory of serial publications ULRICH.
REICIS is also indexed by the world-wide repository of open access publications DOAJ: find us at the category of Computer Science.
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