ECDL Foundation
                              Newsletter - November 2012

Welcome to the latest edition of the ’ECDL Foundation Newsletter’. All articles featured in this HTML version can be read in full in a downloadable PDF version of the newsletter.

ECDL Foundation in Action
                                    Around the World

e-Citizen Programme for the National Police in Colombia Receives Prestigious Award

This programme, which has developed the essential ICT skills of more than 110,000 Colombian police officers, has recently been awarded the prestigious pan-Latin America FRIDA prize for its contribution to the development of the information society in Colombia. Read more.

International Study Highlights ECDL’s Contribution to the ICT Sector

The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP) recently published a new study on international qualifications, which highlights ECDL’s valuable contribution to the ICT sector - specifically its credibility and value for the labour market, both for individuals and employers. Read more.

Students Benchmark Their ICT Skills to an International Standard – Anyang University, South Korea

As a consequence of the South Korean Government’s ICT-centric education policies, this university had already been considering offering internationally recognised certification programmes for their students prior to the ICDL National Operator in South Korea introducing them to the ICDL programme. Read more.

News from the ECDL / ICDL

Mobile Technology Even Changes How we Formally Acquire Knowledge

For many, mobile technology is indispensable – to the point that they feel a serious degree of separation anxiety when their smartphone is not within arm’s reach. As more and more services are moving online, the providers of those services are also required to make them available for mobile platforms. Read more.

Discussion in Digital Literacy

ECDL Foundation Forum Attracts Ministerial Delegation – Oslo

The ECDL Foundation Annual Forum brings delegates and a variety of policymakers and government officials together to share knowledge and best practices around ICT skills development. In her keynote address to delegates, the Norwegian Minister for Education and Research affirmed the important role of ECDL in developing workplace skills. Read more.

ECDL Foundation Presents at Global ICT Forum on Human Capacity Development, Cape Town

The ‘Global ICT Forum on Human Capacity Development’ took place in Cape Town, 22 - 25 October. Daniel Palmer, General Manager, ECDL Foundation – Dubai Office, presented at the event at the ‘Building the e-Skills capacity to respond to the country’s national strategic development strategies and policies’ session. Read more.

Global Digital Literacy Initiatives Awarded at ECDL Foundation Best Practice Awards 2012

ECDL Foundation Best Practice Awards credit initiatives that are considered as exceptional examples of the implementation of ECDL Foundation programmes that help to raise levels of digital literacy, and promote ECDL / ICDL in local markets. The winners and runners-up were decided through a vote at the ECDL Foundation Annual Forum. Read more.

Programme News

Report - ’Delivering the Digital Agenda for Europe’ - ECDL Foundation - September 2012

This report examines how the Digital Agenda for Europe will only fully deliver if we rethink the role of digital skills education in the new European economy. Read more.

Report – ‘Information Society Progress Update in EU Enlargement Countries’ – Cullen International – September 2012

According to this report, the electronic communications market continues to develop steadily, but varies greatly, in the nine enlargement countries of the EU. Read more.

‘"This Is for Everyone” The Case for Universal Digitisation’ - Booz & Company Report (UK) - November 2012

The key findings of this report, which was commissioned by the UK government’s ‘Digital Champion’, Martha Fox, shows that 16 million people in Britain lack the online skills to benefit fully from the Internet – including 4.5 million who are currently in the workplace. Read more.
