Quality Standards Unveiled at
ICDL Asia Regional Meeting
from across Asia gathered in
Singapore last week to discuss the
latest programme updates, review
performance in 2013 to date and
plan for next year’s activities.
on the agenda was quality
assurance, with delegates keen to
discuss the immediate adoption of
the new ICDL QAS V6.0 at
Accredited Test Centres (ATCs)
throughout the region. Read more.
Cybercrime - Dubai Municipality
Endorses ICDL IT Security Module
Municipality (DM) announced its
endorsement of the ICDL IT
Security module – a move that is
part of the Municipality’s
commitment towards the provision
of best practices in maintaining
higher levels of IT security and
safety. Read more.
Balkan Region ECDL Forum in Zagreb
Operators from Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro,
Serbia and Slovenia as well as
representatives of Croatian
authorities, test centres and ECDL
Foundation met on 11 October in
Zagreb, Croatia. Participants
discussed ways of improving
digital literacy levels in the
region in the context of the
Digital Agenda for Europe – A
Europe 2020 Initiative. Read more.
Certification as part of the
Recruitment Process in CIMMYT
(Centro Internacional de
Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo,
Internacional - International
Maize and Wheat Improvement
Centre) is a non-profit
international research and
development organisation,
dedicated to the improvement of
wheat and maize with the ultimate
aim of ending world hunger. Read more.
/ ICDL Sample Part-Tests for
Project 2013 - Now Available
ECDL / ICDL sample part-tests for
Project 2013 are now available for
the Project Planning module. Read more.
of Trainers at Universidade Dili
Timor Leste
Asia Accreditation Partner in
Indonesia, Yayasan Pendidikan
Indonesia (YPI), organised a TOT
(Training of Trainers) programme
at the University of Dili, Timor
Leste with the aim of
strengthening the capacity of ICDL
Trainers and Invigilators at the
university. Read more.
Review of ICT Qualifications in
New Zealand
New Zealand Qualifications
Authority and the Institute of IT
Professionals are leading a review
of all Level 1–6 ICT
qualifications in New Zealand.
ICDL has been mentioned explicitly
in the consultation document as a
relevant international
certification. Read more.
Iran Implements Office 2013 Tests
to the fast advances of technology
and the constant upgrading of
software, ICDL Iran has decided to
implement ICDL tests for Office
2013 in addition to Office 2007. Read more.
ICDL Launched in South Africa
170 people gathered in
Johannesburg on 4 October for the
official launch of ‘New ICDL’ in
South Africa. In total 25
delegates travelled from outside
South Africa, representing
Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland,
Zambia and Zimbabwe. Read more.
and Eastern European Meeting 2013
of 11 ECDL National Operators and
Accreditation Partners from
Central and Eastern Europe met in
the Slovakian capital, Bratislava,
to share their recent experiences
in implementing new ECDL. Read more.