to be Implemented Across 4,000
Schools in Indonesia
October 2013, the ICDL Asia
Accreditation Partner for
Indonesia, YPI Foundation, signed
a MoU with BRI Management,
(through its corporate social
entity, the Ah Nahl Foundation),
to fund the implementation of ICDL
across 4,000 schools. Initially,
funding will be provided for 20
Candidates from each of the 4,000
Islamic schools across Indonesia.
YPI Foundation expects that almost
80,000 candidates will avail of
ICDL Training and almost 560,000
tests will be completed. Read more.
ICDL Recognised by the Queensland
Studies Authority (QSA),
Queensland Studies Authority has
recognised thirteen ICDL Modules.
These modules are recognised under
the ‘Enrichment Learning Courses’
and they contribute one credit
each towards a Queensland
Certificate of Education (QCE),
which is a certificate awarded to
students completing their
secondary schooling. A maximum of
8 credits from Enrichment courses
can count towards a student’s QCE,
where a minimum of 20 credits is
required. Read more.
Syria in the Face of Crisis
ICDL programme in Syria has been
facing a lot of difficulties in
the last two years because of the
instability of the political
situation. Around 60% of the
Accredited Centres are closed or
destroyed, 10% are reallocated to
other safe areas. The number of
candidates has dropped by 80%
since 2010. The main challenges
that the Accredited centres and
the National Operator are facing
on a daily basis are power
outages, internet disconnection,
and most importantly the safety
issue of the ICDL employees when
moving from one location to
another. Read more.
Test Centre in Chile Promoting
Youth Development Through ICDL
(Instituto de Capacitación
Profesional), located in Santiago
de Chile, has recently become a
new ICDL Accredited Test Centre.
In the first week of December, 53
candidates took the ICDL
certification, successfully
completing four ICDL Base modules,
achieving global recognition of
their skills that will benefit
them in their future education and
in finding employment. Read more.
Campus Holds Annual ICDL
University, Thailand, held its
annual ICDL competition in
November for the fifth year.
Twenty schools in the area
participated, each school
represented by two students Each
participant took two modules, Word
Processing and Online Essentials,
and the top 3 candidates each
received a trophy. Read more.
Certification for Afghan Ministry
of Higher Education
27 November, twenty employees of
the Afghan Ministry of Higher
Education (MoHE) received their
ICDL certificates. Dr. Obaidulllah
Obaid, the Afghan Minister of
Higher Education, presented the
certificates to the trainees.
Since the project began, 500 MoHE
employees have received their ICDL
certificates. Read more.
GCC Calls on Government and
Academic Sectors to Raise
Awareness on Internet Security
its 4th Annual Recognition Event
to acknowledge entities supporting
ICDL’s corporate social
responsibilities (CSR)
initiatives, ICDL GCC announced
its 2014 vision for digital
awareness and internet safety as
two of its key strategic
priorities. ICDL certifications
were granted to 4,400 youths
during the regional summer camps
held in July and August 2013 as
part of the ICDL GCC’s CSR
efforts, in collaboration with
more than 42 organisations from
various industries. Read more.
GCC Launches New ICDL Profile
a launch ceremony held at the
Hilton Dubai Jumeirah Resort and
attended by 300 ICDL Accreditation
partners from across the GCC and
Iraq, ICDL GCC launched ICDL
Profile including four new modules
– Computer Essentials, Online
Essentials, Project Planning and
Online Collaboration – and offered
guidance on how to apply the
revised structure and the
additional modules. The update
will benefit over a million
current candidates, including
those who completed their ICDL
certification since the
programme’s launch in the GCC in
2001. Read more.
Zealand Computer Society Encourage
Digital Journey to ICDL
Asia Accreditation partner, The
2020 Communications Trust, has
re-signed as accreditation partner
for New Zealand, effective from 1
December. Joey Chua, the Partner
Compliance Manager for ICDL Asia,
visited New Zealand during
November to work with the Trust in
migrating to the New ICDL. While
in New Zealand, Joey met with the
Trust’s ‘Computers in Homes’
coordinators. ‘Computers in Homes’
is an introductory digital
literacy programme for parents
with school-aged children in low
income communities There are 18
regional Computers in Homes
coordinators who support
communities throughout the
country. Ten of these have already
completed ICDL modules and are
Accredited Testers. Read more.
Egypt Introduces Mobile Testing
November, ICDL Egypt introduced
mobile testing with the Arab
Academy for Science, Technology
& Maritime Transport in the
Alexandria and Port Said
governorates. Mobile testing
brings ICDL testing to candidates
in remote areas where there are no
permanent adeqate facilities. Read more.
ICDL Accredited Test Centre in
ICT Department within the Ministry
of Communications & Transport
in Tuvalu has chosen ICDL
certification programmes to
support its mandate to provide
computer training to the Tuvalu
Public Service. During 2014, the
ICT Department expects to register
200 Tuvalu public service
officers. Following full
government approval for ICDL
training and certification across
the whole public service, ICDL
should then be available to
approximately 860 staff. Read more.
Demand for ICT Workers May Result
in Skills Shortage, Confirms New
EU Report
to the European Vacancy Monitor,
the number of employees working in
the ICT sector has increased since
2008 in spite of the crisis, while
at the same time the number of ICT
graduates declined between 2004
and 2011. The number of ICT jobs
increased in nineteen countries.
The highest growth percentage were
recorded in Greece (up by 30%)
Belgium (27%), Estonia (17%),
Cyprus (15%), and Luxembourg
(13%). The report also indicates
that the highest penetration of
ICT employees is found in Northern
Member States, and that 22 percent
of ICT employees were aged 15-29
in 2012. Download the
European Vacancy Monitor.
Study Finds That 250,000
e-Inclusion Actors Operate in
250,000 organisations are
estimated to be operating in the
e-inclusion sector in the European
Union (EU), according to a new
study which mapped e-inclusions
actors in the EU. The study
findings highlight the role of
e-inclusion actors, such as ECDL
Foundation, which are at the
forefront of digital inclusion and
empowerment, and are of critical
importance in today’s digital
society. The study was conducted
by the European Commission’s DG
CONNECT and the Institute for
Prospective Technological Studies
(JRC-IPTS). Download the
Study Report.
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