7th Nordic Workshop on Model Driven Software Engineering
co-located with the 11th Symposium on Programming Languages and
Software Tools (SPLST’09)
26-28 August 2009 Tampere, Finland
e-mail: nw-mode09[at]cs.tut.fi
Model driven software development approaches (MDE, MDA, MDD) have matured and grown out from an academic research community to gain wider industrial adoption. They are now perceived as one of the mainstream technologies to improve the productivity of software teams and the quality of products.
The 7th Nordic Workshop on Model Driven Software Engineering brings together industry practitioners and academic researchers to share experiences and latest research on model driven software engineering and development. This year the workshop places special emphasis in facilitating dialogue between industry and the academia. Therefore, in addition to research papers, the workshop is looking forward to bringing in industrial presentations on both the experiences and open research problems related to model driven software development.
Like its predecessors, the workshop intends to present experiences and ongoing research in software engineering and model driven engineering in particular, function as a platform for establishing co-operative research projects between the participants in the region and working on joint topics of interest and research papers, and provide an open forum with ample of time set aside for discussions.
Workshop programme will include:
Keynotes (including Felix Bachmann of Software Engineering
Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, MA, USA)
Industrial presentations
Academic track for full papers and short papers
Workshop discussions
Special sessions on selected topics
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Experiences and applications: empirical work on modeling and model
driven engineering, and experiences in working with models in
Model driven development: model based software and system
engineering, analysis of models, model transformations, approaches
supporting reuse, and tool support for modeling;
Models in Web Services engineering;
Modeling languages: domain specific languages and profiles,
standardization activities, language design and engineering, and
tool support;
Modeling processes: processes for model driven engineering, and
modeling of engineering processes;
Model processing operations: version management of models, model
integration, model differencing, and model synthesis;
Quality of models and modeling: measuring quality of models, and
modeling processes; and
Other topics: model integration, code generation from
models, reverse engineering into models, and evolution of models.
Paper submissions Electronic submission of extended industrial abstracts (1-3 pages), full research papers (at most 15 pages) or short research papers (4-6 pages) in PDF-format before June the 1st. Submissions should be written in English. Academic submissions shall not be published previously or simultaneously submitted elsewhere.
Papers are to be formatted using the Springer LNCS style: http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html
PhD students are encouraged to submit papers about their ongoing or planned research.
All submitted papers will be reviewed by members of the program committee. Accepted papers must be presented at the workshop by one of the authors. All accepted papers will be published as a university technical report with ISBN. The full research papers accepted for Academic Track will be considered for publication as a special issue of Nordic Journal of Computing. The papers are to be submitted using the on-line paper submission system available on the workshop web page. Please specify whether you are submitting an extended industrial abstract, full research paper, or short research paper.
Important Dates
Deadline for paper submission 1st June 1, 2009
Notification of acceptance 29th June
Deadline for the special session proposals 15th June
Special session notification of acceptance 29th June
Camera-ready version due 17th August
Workshop 26th-28th August
Special sessions
Apart of the paper presentations, a number of special sessions are planned, with the intention to provide a forum where the topics of specific interest to the groups of participants could be discussed. Suggestion for the session should be sent by the persons who intend to participate in the workshop - both intending to mediate the sessions as well as being interested in exchange of information on the topic. The description should include the topic, short description of the planned discussion, target participants, format and duration: short - 90min, long 180 min.
Program committee
To be announced.
Joint Workshop Chair
Jari Peltonen
Tampere University of Technology
Program Chair
Petri Selonen
Nokia Research Center
Special Session Chair
Ludwik Kuzniarz
Blekinge Institute of Technology
Previous workshops
2008 Reykjavik, Iceland
2007 Ronneby, Sweden
2006 Grimstad, Norway
2005 Tampere, Finland
2004 Turku, Finland
2003 Ronneby, Sweden