WWW2007 (http://www2007.org) seeks original papers describing research in all areas of the Web. Papers should not have been published or be in submission at another conference or journal. Topics include but are not limited to:
* Browsers and User Interfaces
* Data Mining
* E-Applications
* Industrial Practice and Experience
* Performance and Scalability
* Pervasive Web and Mobility
* Search
* Security, Privacy, Reliability, and Ethics
* Semantic Web
* Technology for Developing Regions
* Web Engineering
* Web Services
* XML and Web Data
Important dates
Refereed papers due: November 20, 2006 (HARD deadline; no extensions)
Acceptance Notification: January 29, 2007
Conference dates: Tuesday-Saturday, May 8-12, 2007
Submissions should present original reports of substantive new work and can be up to 10 pages in length. Papers should properly place the work within the field, cite related work, and clearly indicate the innovative aspects of the work and its contribution to the field. We will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference. In addition to regular papers, we also solicit submissions of position papers articulating high-level architectural visions, describing challenging future directions, or critiquing current design wisdom. General queries regarding WWW2007 submissions can be sent to www2007questions@iw3c2.org.
All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers from an International Program Committee. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and will also be accessible to the general public via the conference Web site. Authors will be required to sign a copyright transfer form. Detailed formatting and submission requirements are available at http://www2007.org.
Authors of top-ranked papers will be invited to submit enhanced versions of their papers for publication in a special issue of the ACM Transactions on the Web.
The WWW2007 program will also include Posters, Tutorial and Workshops, Panels, a W3C track and a Developers track. See http://www2007.org for details.
Program chairs
* Peter Patel-Schneider, Bell Labs Research (USA)
* Prashant Shenoy, University of Massachusetts (USA)