18th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration
The PhD Forum of VLSI-SoC 2010
September 27-29, 2010 (Madrid, Spain)
The VLSI-SoC conference is dedicated to the discussion of state-of-the-art research in the fields of VLSI/ULSI Systems, SoC design, VLSI CAD and Microelectronic Design and Test.
The VLSI-SoC 2010’s Ph.D. Forum is a poster session dedicated to the exchange of ideas and experiences of Ph.D. students from different parts of the world.
Elected Ph.D. students have an opportunity to discuss their thesis and research work with specialists within the system and design automation communities. This exchange offers a good opportunity for students to receive valuable feedback and gain exposure in the job market.
Furthermore, this forum also provides a great chance for industry officials to meet junior researchers, giving an avenue for incorporating the latest research developments into their companies.
PhD Forum Submission: June 14, 2010
Notification of acceptance: July 10, 2010
Camera-ready: July 24, 2010
Eligibility: The author must have completed at least one year of a Ph.D.
Paper format: Submissions should be in camera-ready two-column format, following the IEEE proceedings specifications located at:
Presentation: Posters will be introduced in the Ph.D. Forum Session (two minute time slot, one slide) and a full one-hour Poster Session.
Publication: Accepted abstracts will be published as regular papers (six pages maximum) in a separate VLSI-SoC 2010 proceedings.
Submission: Papers should be submitted through the conference submission website in the "PhD Form" track.
VLSI-SoC 2010 finances a limited number of travel grants for Ph.D. students, through the Technical Committee TC-10 (Computer Systems Technology) and WG 10.5 of the International Federation for Information Processing - IFIP. In principle, grants are restricted to support students who cannot be fully supported by their institutions. This rule gives preference to students being enrolled in Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe including Russia, and Asia (except Israel, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan). The percentage covered by a grant is typically at least 50 percent of the total cost.
How to Apply for a travel grant: Submit a two-page extended abstract of the dissertation in PDF format. Send submissions to vlsisocphdforum2010@gmail.com
- APPLICATION DEADLINE : June 14th, 2010
PhD Forum Chairs:
Matthew Guthaus, UCSC, USA
Andreas Burg, ETHZ, Switzerland
General Chair:
David Atienza, EPFL, Switzerland
Program Chairs:
Rajesh Gupta, UCSD, USA
Andrea Acquaviva, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
José L. Ayala, Complutense Univ., Spain
Special Session Chairs:
Luca Benini, University of Bologna, Italy
Ayse K. Coskun, Boston University, USA
Publicity Chair:
Praveen Raghavan, IMEC, Belgium
Local Chair:
Katzalin Olcoz, Complutense Univ., Spain
Finance Chair:
Fernando Rincon, UCLM, Spain
Institutional Relations Chairs:
Roman Hermida, Complutense Univ., Spain
Francisco Tirado, Complutense Univ., Spain
Steering Committee:
Manfred Glesner, TU Darmstadt, Germany
Salvador Mir, TIMA, France
Ricardo Reis, UFRGS, Brazil
Michel Robert, U. of Montpellier, France
Luis Miguel Silveira, INESC ID, Portugal