The IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations and Management (DSOM) is the premier annual workshop in the general area of network and services management. It has built up its strong reputation over a period of almost two decades. The workshop is sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group 6.6 on Management of Networks and Distributed Systems, with technical co-sponsorship by the IEEE Communications Society, Technical Committee on Network Operations and Management (CNOM). In its 18th edition, DSOM 2007 will be held October 29-31, 2007 in Silicon Valley, California, as part of the 3rd International Week on Management of Networks and Services (Manweek 2007).
Theme and Topics
The primary theme of DSOM 2007 will be "Managing Virtualization of Networks and Services". Virtualization, in which properties of a service are decoupled from its physical realization over networking and IT infrastructure, is capturing the imagination of the industry and the research community alike. The goal of DSOM 2007 is to shed light on related research issues, investigating questions such as: what is different about virtualization in 2007 compared to the mainframe era, what advances in network control and self-management may advance virtualization, what new problems we will incur when managing virtualized networks and services, and how management itself may benefit from virtualization. Submissions on topics related to managing virtualization of networks and services are hence particularly encouraged.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Virtualization of networks and services.
Management implications of virtualization.
Managing security in a virtual environment.
Self-management and virtualization.
Troubleshooting virtualized networks and services.
Performance and QoS management in virtualized environments.
Management patterns and algorithms for scalable management.
Controlling the tradeoffs between overhead, accuracy, robustness, and security.
Distributed, decentralized, and peer-to-peer management.
Management of next generation service networks.
Monitoring and measurements.
Anomaly detection and data mining for management.
Fault management and event correlation.
Management and operations of massively redundant data centers.
Semantic Web techniques for management.
Instrumentation and embedded management.
Implementation, deployment, and operations experiences.
Paper submission
It is planned to publish DSOM 2007 proceedings in Springer-Verlag’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Paper submissions must present original, unpublished research or experiences. Late-breaking advances and work-in-progress reports from ongoing research are also encouraged. Papers under review elsewhere MUST NOT be submitted to DSOM 2007. Authors are requested to submit either long or short papers, strictly in LNCS format:
Long papers (up to 12 single-spaced single-column pages). Short papers describing work-in-progress (up to 4 pages).
Submissions exceeding the above mentioned page limits will not be reviewed.
Papers must be submitted electronically through the JEMS conference management system at (only PDF files are permitted).
Important dates (preliminary)
Submission: May 13, 2007 (GMT).
Notification: July 6, 2007.
Camera ready: August 2, 2007
Program Committee chairs
Alexander Clemm
Cisco, USA
Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville
UFRGS, Brazil
Rolf Stadler
KTH, Sweden