IFIP Wireless Days 2010
October 20-22, 2010, Venice, Italy
IFIP, IEEE Technical Co-sponsorship
Wireless Days Conference is a major international conference which aims to bring together researchers, technologists and visionaries from Academia, research labs and industry, engineers and students to exchange, discuss, and share their experiences, ideas and research about theoretical and practical aspects of wireless networking. The third edition of Wireless Days will be held in Venice (Italy) on October 20-22, 2010. The conference will include presentations of theoretical and experimental achievements, innovative wireless systems, prototyping efforts, case studies and advances in technology related to wireless networking and communications infrastructures.
Wireless Days Conference program will include the following five conference tracks:
Track 1: Ad Hoc and Sensors Networks.
Track 2: Wireless Multimedia and Entertainment.
Track 3: Vehicular and Delay Tolerant Networks.
Track 4: Broadband Wireless.
Track 5: Wireless Models and Simulations
Important Dates:
Submission deadline: July 18, 2010.
Notification of acceptance: September 10, 2010.
Camera-ready version: September 24, 2010