The 2nd International conference on eParticipation (ePart) 2010
29 August - 2 September 2010; Lausanne, Switzerland
(organised by IFIP WG 8.5 and co-organised with EGOV 2010)
Call for Papers
The scope of the ePart 2010 covers the whole range of research in eParticipation. Its principal aim is to review research advances in both social and technological scientific domains, seeking to demonstrate new concepts, methods and styles of eParticipation.
This second ePart conference focuses on, but is not limited to, the following topics around eParticipation:
* The Research landscape, directions and foundations
* Research methods, method integration and techniques
* Cultural and normative differences in eParticipation
* Comparative analyses of eParticipation practices
* eParticipation projects: design, implementation, evaluation, quality
and impact
* Technologies for eParticipation, policy modelling, simulation and
* Online conversation and deliberation, eConsulation, ePolling,
eLegislation, eElectioneering, eVoting, Social networking
* Education, training courses, and curricula
The conference allows for four distinct types of submissions:
* Completed research papers
* Ongoing research and innovative projects
* Workshops and panels on pertinent issues
* PhD colloquium submission.
ePart is closely aligned with EGOV 2010 - the IFIP eGovernment conference and the EGOV community. Note that this year both conferences will be located for the first time outside the DEXA cluster of conferences. ePart 2010 is sponsored by IFIP, WG8.5.
Important Dates
Submission of papers: 15 February 2010
Submission of workshop/panel proposals: 15 March 2010
Submissions to PhD colloquium: 15 March 2010
Notification of acceptance for papers: 30 March 2010
Notification of acceptance for workshops/panels: 30 April 2010
All accepted completed research papers will be published by Springer Verlag. Ongoing research and innovation projects papers will be published by Trauner Druck. Outstanding research papers from the conference might be selected for further development and publication in a special issue of a relevant journal.
Conference chairs
Ann Macintosh, The University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Efthimios Tambouris, University of Macedonia, Greece
Olivier Glassey, IDHEAP- University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Program committee
Georg Aichholzer, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
Kim Viborg Andersen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Lasse Berntzen, Vestfold University College, Norway
Yannis Charalabidis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Fiorella de Cindio, University of Milan, Italy
Clelia Colombo, Generalitat of Catalonia, Spain
Simon Delakorda, Institute for Electronic Participation, Slovenia
Annelie Ekelin Blekinge Institute of Technology Sweden
Olivier Glassey, Institut de Hautes Etudes en Administration Publique,
Tomas Gordon, Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communications Systems, Germany
Dimitris Gouscos, University of Athens, Greece
Mary Griffiths, University of Adelaide, Australia
Ake Grönlund, örebro University, Sweden
Konstantinos Koskinas, Panteion University, Greece
Patrizia Lombardi, Politec di Turin, Italy
Euripides Loukis, University of the Aegean, Greece
Ann Macintosh, Leeds University, United Kingdom
Ursula Maier-Rabler, Salzburg University, Austria
Peter Mambrey, Fraunhofer FIT, Germany
Rony Medaglia, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Jeremy Millard, Danish Technological Institute, Denmark
David O’Donnell, Intellectual Capital Research, Institute of Ireland,
Peter Parycek, Danube University Krems, Austria
Cristian Peraboni, Universita degli Study di Milano, Italy
Vassilios Peristeras, DERI, University of Ireland, Ireland
øystein Sæbø, University of Agder, Norway
Efthimios Tambouris, University of Macedonia, Greece
Konstantinos Tarabanis, University of Macedonia, Greece
Ella Taylor-Smith, International Teledemocracy Center, United Kingdom
Maria Wimmer, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany
Scott Wright, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
Alexandros Xenakis, Panteion University, Greece