FORMIT Foundation is glad to invite you and the members of your Association to the Final Conference of the Project “The Vulnerability of Information Systems and its intersectorial economic and social impacts” VIS co-founded by European Commission – DG Justice, Security and Freedom within the Programme “Prevention, Preparedness and Consequence Management of Terrorism and other related risk” (in attachment the Conference leaflet).
The VIS Project has the main goal to assess at firm-, sector-, national- and European-level the socio-economic impact caused by information systems breakdowns, taking into account the sectorial interdependencies (in attachment a short presentation of the project).
During the VIS Final Conference, that will take place on 27 May 2009 in Brussels (9.30am at the “NH Hotel du Grand Sablon” Rue Bodenbroekstraat, 2-4), rankings of the most ICT vulnerable economic sectors will be presented in terms of potential losses of output, production value and employment as consequences of failures of the Information Systems.
Results from VIS project are particularly valuable for national and European policy makers, for IT Managers, Business Continuity Managers and, in general, for all subjects managing and protecting critical infrastructures and processes.
Further information on the VIS project and on the Final Conference are available on the web site: