3rd IFIP Conference on Biologically-Inspired Collaborative Computing (BICC 2010)
part of the IFIP World Computer Congress 2010
Brisbane 20-23 Sept 2010


Important dates:

Submission of papers: January 31, 2010
Notification to authors: April 23, 2010
Camera-ready copy: May 15, 2010
Accepted papers will be published by Springer in the Advances in Information and Communication Technology Series

Conference Topics:

A new paradigm in computing is to take many simple autonomous objects or agents and let them jointly perform a complex task, without having the need for centralized control. In this paradigm, these simple objects interact locally with their environment using simple rules. An important inspiration for this model is nature itself, where many such systems can be found. Applications include optimization algorithms, communications networks, scheduling and decision making, supply-chain management, and robotics. There are many disciplines involved in making such systems work: from artificial intelligence to energy aware systems. Often these disciplines have their own field of focus, have their own conferences, or only deal with specialized sub-problems (e.g. swarm intelligence, biologically inspired computation, sensor networks). Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

• Modelling and Reasoning about Collaborative Self-Organizing Systems
• Collaborative Sensing and Processing Systems
• Dependability of Collaborative Self-Organizing Systems
• Design and Technology of Collaborative Self-Organizing Systems

Instructions for paper submission

• Papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or are simultaneously submitted to a journal or another conference with proceedings.
• Papers must be written in English; they should be at most 12 pages in total, including bibliography and well-marked appendices. Papers should be intelligible without appendices, if any.
• Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and published in the IFIP AICT (Advances in Information and Communication Technology) Series by Springer.
• Submitted and accepted papers must follow the publisher’s guidelines for the IFIP AICT Series (www.springer.com/series/6102, Author templates, Manuscript preparation in Word).
• At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper. Inclusion of the paper will be dependent upon one registration for the paper.
• All papers must be submitted in electronic form through the web via www.wcc2010.com by January 31, 2010.

The Congress

The World Computer Congress (WCC2010) will bring together IT research and industry sectors in one event. The congress will combine 17 IFIP conferences with partner conferences from other international and regional, specialist IT organisations. The conference content will be presented in eight program streams. Delegates may attend any of the participating conference, industry or partner events as well as networking, social, technical tours and certification courses offered at the congress.

IFIP is the International Federation for Information Processing