Call for Papers IFIP International Conference Network of the Future Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre Brisbane, Australia 20-23 September 2010
Programme Committee Chairs
Guy Pujolle, UPMC, France
S. V. Raghavan, IITM, India
Programme Committee Members
Ozgur B. Akan, Middle East Technical U.,Turkey
Pedro A. Aranda Gutierrez, Telefonica,Spain
Luis Orozco Barbosa, UCM, Spain
Alessandro Bassi, Hitachi, France
Chris Blondia, University of Antwerp, Belgium
Raouf Boutaba , Waterloo University, Canada
Dariusz Bursztynowski , TPSA, Poland
Lee Bu Sung, Francis, NTU, Singapore
Georg Carle , TUM, Germany
Matteo Cesana, Milano, Italy
Chih-Yung Chang, Tamkang University, Taiwan
Hakima Chaouchi, Telecom SudParis, France
Omar Cherkaoui, UQAM, Canada
Arek Dadej, University of South Australia, Australia
Simon Dobson, University College Dublin, Ireland
Mischa Dolher, CTTC, Spain
William Donnelly, WIT, Irland
Emmanuel Dotaro, Alcatel, France
Otto Duarte, UFRJ, Brazil
Wissam Fawaz, Lebanese American U., Lebanon
Luigi Fratta, Milano, Italy
Dominique Gaïti, UTT, France
Alex Galis, UCL, UK
Mario Gerla, UCLA, USA
Annie Gravey, Telecom Bretagne, France
Gunther Harring, University of Vienna, Austria
Bijan Jabbari, Mason University, USA
Shengming Jiang, South China U of Tech., China
Daniel Kofman, Telecom ParisTech, France
Matti Latva-aho, University of Oulu, Finland
Thomas Magedanz, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Herman de Meer, Passau, Germany
Edmundo Monteiro, DEI, Portugal
José-Marcos Nogueira, FUMG, Brazil
Mai Trang Nguyen, UPMC, France
Harry Perros, NCSU, USA
Reinhard Posch, CIO, Austria
Ramon Puigjaner, Baleares Island U., Spain
Jennifer Rexford, Princeton, USA
James Roberts, Orange Labs, France
Roberto Sabella, Coritel, Italy
Adrian Segall, Technion, Israel
Joan Serrat, UPC, Spain
Fabrizio Sestini, European Commission
Joao da Silva, European Commission
Junehwa Song, KAIST, Korea
Paulo de Sousa, European Commission
Yutaka Takahashi, Kyoto University, Japan
Phuoc Tran-Gia, Wurzburg, Germany
Kurt Tutschku, Vienna, Austria
Vilas Wuwongse, AIT Bangkok, Thailand
Yabin Ye, Huawei Technologies
Djamal Zeghlache, Telecom SudParis, France
Conference topics
Network of the Future-2010 conference will provide an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia everywhere in the world to exchange ideas and present results of ongoing research in the Internet of the future, Post-IP architecture and Beyond IP. This conference is part of the IFIP World Congress celebrating both the Golden Jubilee of IFIP. Topics include, but are not limited to:
· Post-IP solutions, Stratum-based architecture, etc.
· Convergence, New improvements in IMS and NGN
· Optical Communications and Networking
· GMPLS, Ethernet Carrier Grade, Burst Switching, WDM Systems
· Broadband Networks, Heterogeneous Networks
· Cognitive and Reconfigurable Networks
· Converged Optical-Wireless Networks, Ad hoc and Mesh Networks
· Wireless Communications, Wi-Fi NG, WiMAX phase 2 and 3
· 4G systems; Radio Resource Management, Cognitive radio
· The Internet of Things, Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks
· Autonomic networking, Orchestration plane, Governing solution
· Decentralized management, Intelligent piloting, Aware solution
· Virtualization, virtual networks, virtual wireless equipment
· Network on the fly, Virtual control, Virtual radio, Isolation
· High secure networking
· Strong authentication, privacy, confidentiality
· Performance and Experiment
Paper Submission
Papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or are simultaneously submitted to a journal or another conference with proceedings. Papers must be written in English; they should be at most 12 pages in total, including bibliography and well-marked appendices. Papers should be intelligible without appendices, if any.
Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and published in the IFIP AICT (Advances in Information and Communication Technology) Series by Springer. Submitted and accepted papers must follow the publisher’s guidelines for the IFIP AICT Series (, Author templates, Manuscript preparation in Word). At least one author of each accepted paper must register to the conference and present the paper.
All papers must be submitted in electronic form through the web via by the deadline indicated below. Papers submitted after this deadline will be discarded without review.
Important dates
Submission of papers: February 15, 2010
Notification to authors: April 20, 2010
Camera-ready copies: May 15, 2010