Welcome to WCC 2012
IFIP and NGI are organizing the WCC this year from 24-26 September in Amsterdam.
The theme is: Towards an Innovative, Secure and Sustainable Information Society, but you could summarize that as "IT for a better World".
The benefit of participating will be that you will be able to hear about the long term developments in ICT and how they interrelate. Many prominent experts are speaking, and there is the chance to interact with your peers from all over the world. The result should be a Roadmap on how ICT will improve the world towards 2020.
WCC 2012 - 24-26 September 2012 - Amsterdam
· Be there! Take your colleague with you and get 50 euro refunded.
You can earn a premium of € 50 by inviting others to participate. The invited person has only to mention your name at the registration-form in the field I have been recruited by and you will get € 50 refunded during the congress. So, take your collegue with you!
· Erratum
In the most recent newsletter we highlighted session 6, stream 1: Do patents and intellectual property enable innovation in the computer
software field? From EPO (the European Patent Organization) we learned that the correct composition of the panel is:
Speakers: Simon Davies, Karsten Gerloff
Chair: James Nurton, Managing Editor Managing IP
EPO expert: Ioannis Bozas
· Follow WCC
As well as via the website, there are several other ways to connect to WCC2012 via social media:
- We have started a community on our website. Available for every one who is interested. Congress-participants and speakers will get an account, so speakers are able to start a discussion and congress-participants can join these discussions. Congress-participants can also compose their own program by selecting parallel sessions, and they have access to the lists of all congress-participants.
- On Facebook there is a special page for WCC2012: search for World Computer Congress.
- The congress is also present on Twitter. Use hashtag #WCC2012 and
username @wcc_2012.
- Last but not least: the group WCC2012 and the event WCC2012 are available on Linkedin.